DIY Paint Kits are perfect for adults and children to create their very own paint night. It can serve as a family, friendly night or groups can work together to create something special. The list below is what we use to create small (10×10) paint kits. We include everything needed to complete the project. It is truly a one-stop-shop deal.

Soft ball DIY Kit

Shipping Box

These 10×10 boxes are perfect for small DIY kits. They are sturdy and can easy hold all the supplies needed to complete the project. You can add crinkle cut paper to the bottom for a nice look.

Protective Paper Filler

The crinkle paper not only adds a nice look to your package, but it provides extra protection during shipment.

Paint Brush

Each kit will need a paint brush. These are small and perfect for small painting areas to achieve a nice crisp look.


A nice assortment of paint colors to get you started with any project.

Paint Strips

Shipping paint can be tricky. You want to make sure the top is on secure to avoid a mess. These paint strips work great to provide an assortment on colors or just cut the strip to what you want to supply.


This glue is perfect for crafts of all sorts. It works well with jewelry, wood, paper, metal, glass, leather and much much more. The small size is perfect for individual use.


We do not ship paint pens in our kits, but we highly recommend them to students who want to level up and continue their crafting journey. We use them for small projects all the time.


This link will save you up to $500 on your very own Glowforge. All of our paint kits are cut using a glowforge. If you do not want to invest in a Glowforge yet, but want to make paint kits you could purchase the wood design blanks in bulk to get started.

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